Untapped Lithium Wealth Discovered Under American Soil Could Break China’s Stranglehold on the U.S.

Early investors in one under-the-radar company extracting this latest find could profit handsomely as demand for home-grown lithium skyrockets

Demand for lithium already outstrips supply by a wide margin. With a growing EV market ravenous for more lithium than is available, early investors are on the cusp of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Electric Vehicle (EV) revolution is well underway, but with geopolitical tensions at extreme levels, America must break free of China’s control of the critical resource, Lithium. That’s because, without lithium, American car manufacturers won’t be able to meet government mandates of zero gasoline emissions by as early as 2035. And if China decides to shut off its supply of this invaluable mineral, it will cripple the U.S.

This is an unacceptable position to be in, so the race is on the fortify existing lithium miners, improve extraction and processing of local projects, and make it easier for smaller, more nimble miners to find new sources and bring them to market as record speed.

Any such new discoveries of lithium reserves under American soil are more valuable than gold. Not only because they break the stranglehold China currently has on America, but because demand for lithium is accelerating faster than any supply can be produced.

This means that investors in the under-the-radar companies stepping up and embracing this challenge are in a similar position as those who invested early in the miners of the gold rush era, the early railroads, or the internet. This is one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Tim Collins. I am the founder and editor of Streetlight Confidential, an investment research newsletter that provides market insights, analysis, and stock profiles from a group of professional investors.

I’m a successful stock trading veteran. I worked for years as a financial advisor before establishing my own hedge fund, which acquired shares in companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Airbnb in the private markets before they went public.

Recently, I turned my attention to the opportunities created by soaring demand for EVs. This means taking profitable advantage of the critical need to quickly locate and exploit new sources of lithium for the batteries that power those vehicles.

I recently put out a buy alert on an under-the-radar mining company that’s my #1 pick for producing significant returns in 2024 and beyond.

Today, I’d like to share with you the 6 reasons why this company, US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/CSE: USCM) is worth considering for inclusion in your investment portfolio.

Reason #1: Lithium Demand Is Off the Charts

Lithium is a critical component of the batteries that power EVs, smartphones, laptops, etc. It’s also used in massive batteries use to store excess energy generated by solar panels, windmills, and hydro-electric dams.

Even our national security relies heavily on lithium because it’s critical to a number of advanced weapons systems.

Without it, the EV revolution and our modern society would grind to a halt.

As a result of our growing demand for lithium in economically and militarily critical assets… and the exploding demand for this mineral as the fuel driving the EV revolution, its price is soaring.

In 2010, according to Statista.com, the world used 23,500 metric tons of lithium. By 2022, demand was at 724,000 metric tons, according to research out of Australia’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

Considering supply has not kept up with this demand, the laws of supply and demand have kicked into high gear, sending the price of lithium from $5,160 per metric ton in 2010 to $22,441 as of October 20, 2023.

Despite this, demand remains unchecked, so this bullish trend is likely to remain in place for many years to come.

As a result, US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/CSE: USCM) could see its stock price rise substantially on the back of lithium price increases alone.

Reason #2: The Government Is Pulling Out All the Stops to Force You Into an Electric Car

Climate change is now seen by alarmists as an existential threat to life itself, and politicians are in a race to send the internal combustion engine to the ash heap of history.

President Biden’s 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act siphons $550 billion out of the productive economy — including $242 billion for a variety of programs that will supposedly reduce climate change.

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) spends another $1.75 trillion, which includes $369 billion to tackle the climate crisis. Among other things, the IRA funds ensure that the $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit stays in place at least until the end of 2032. It also removed a regulation that limited the credit to 200,000 cars per manufacturer — which several car companies had already exceeded.

All of this has practically locks in rising lithium demand — and prices — for decades to come.

That’s good news for US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) and it’s early investors.

Reason #3: The Biden Administration Is Working to Stimulate Domestic Lithium Production to Smash China’s Stranglehold on the U.S. Economy

Another thing working in US Critical Metals’ (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) favor is the Biden Administration’s desire to break China’s monopoly on the supply of lithium and other minerals critical to EVs. This is essential if America wants to achieve its climate protection goals as well as continue to function at all.

China currently controls 51% of the world’s lithium production and 65% of its processing and refining.

If Xi Jinping were to cut off our supply of lithium — or even just reduce exports dramatically — it could crash the U.S. economy. This poses an extreme risk to America.

To counter this, as a recent Executive Order puts it, “The United States needs resilient, diverse, and secure supply chains to ensure our economic prosperity and national security.”

The government took a major step toward creating such supply chains with the Inflation Reduction Act.

While the bill’s billion-dollar spending binge gets most of the press (and most of my criticism), there’s a little-talked-about provision that could work in the favor of US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/CSE: USCM).

The bill mandates that in 2024, 40% of the minerals used in green technology — including the lithium used in EV batteries — must come from “domestic” sources, which are defined as mines here in the United States as well as countries with whom we have a free trade agreement.

In 2027, the percentage doubles to 80%.

This “onshoring” of lithium production could be good news for US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) because its resources are all right on and under U.S. soil.

Reason #4: US Critical Metals Owns Two High-Potential Lithium Projects in Nevada

US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) has put together two high-potential lithium projects in Nevada — the friendliest state for mining, according to the Fraser Institute.

Nevada is home to 180,000 active mining claims for gold, silver, copper, barite, iron, molybdenum, and more. It’s also home to the only producing lithium mine in the country – Albemarle’s Silver Peak Mine in the Clayton Valley.

The state’s McDermitt Caldera made headlines in 2023 thanks to a study in Science magazine that speculated that the area might contain 40 million to 120 million tons of lithium.

The caldera is an extinct super-volcano measuring 25 miles by 19 miles. During it’s last eruption, 16 million years ago, it deposited lithium and other minerals near the surface in smectite clay.

US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) has snagged a choice property on the margin of the caldera that it calls the McDermitt East Lithium Project.

While the company hasn’t yet completed its exploration of the project, the nearby Thacker Pass project owned by Lithium Americas is reporting preliminary surface samples of 1,907 parts per million of lithium. This is an extraordinary grade that likely means a massive deposit.

Considering that Thacker Pass is located a mere 12 miles west of the East Lithium Project, it could also be good news for US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM).

Better yet, the caldera’s lithium is located in clay near the surface, which makes it quicker, easier, and cheaper to mine.

The company’s second project is located along Clayton Ridge — high above the proven lithium district of Clayton Valley, Nevada. It’s called the Clayton Ridge Project and covers roughly 3,600 acres with 180 contiguous lithium claims.

Clayton Valley is home to Albemarle’s Silver Peak Mine, the only producing lithium mine in the U.S. On top of that, a number of other companies are exploring the Clayton Valley, including Noram Lithium, AmeriWest, and Century Lithium, with promising results.

Initial grab samples report values of up to 950 parts per million of lithium — which indicates a potentially rich lithium discovery. On top of that, a gravity survey conducted over the region in 2011 and 2012 by Hasbrouck Geophysics identified a large gravity low anomaly, which is a very good sign.

With all this in mind, US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) has put together an extensive exploration plan to ascertain the thickness and grade of the lithium-bearing units. Once it is able to identify the scope of its potential lithium discovery, it could trigger increased investor interest and a big move in its stock price.

Reason #5: Potential Rare Earth and Cobalt Assets Add to the Company’s Appeal

Not surprisingly, lithium isn’t the only critical mineral the United States needs to move the EV revolution and the economy forward. Demand is also rising for a variety of other minerals, including rare earth elements and cobalt.

The rare earths — a group of 17 chemically similar metallic elements — are especially critical. That’s because they’re also used in the manufacture of the military’s F-35 joint strike fighter, Tomahawk cruise missiles, and other advanced weapons systems considered critical to national defense.

Of course,China controls nearly 60% of rare earth mining operations on the planet and more than 85% of processing capacity. The United States controls a mere 1.7% of total worldwide rare earth reserves … and does none of the processing.

Things aren’t much better with cobalt. Two-thirds of the world’s cobalt is produced in the Congo, where more than 40,000 children as young as six years old work the mines. And most of that production is controlled by Chinese companies with Beijing’s backing. Plus, China processes 80% of the world’s cobalt.

As for the U.S., we control a tiny 0.7% of the world’s cobalt reserves and we do none of the processing.

So it’s good news that US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) could be poised to help supply at least some of the rare earths and cobalt we need. The company has diversified itself with both a rare earth elements project and a cobalt project. As with the company’s lithium projects, both are right here in the United States.

Its rare earth elements project is in Sheep Creek, Montana — 173 miles west of Bozeman. It covers 4,500 acres in a region known for containing rare earth elements. Historical sampling has returned up to 18% total rare earth elements and averages a grade of 6.8% — which is surprisingly good.

Meanwhile, more than 50 carbonatite dikes up to three meters wide can be followed for more than 300 meters along strike. All told, it establishes Sheep Creek as one of the highest-grade light rare earth projects known in the whole of the United States.

US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) is now preparing an extensive exploration plan that involves sampling over the entire claim, followed by drilling in the most promising areas.

The company is also working on a promising cobalt project in Idaho. The Haynes Cobalt Project near Lemhi County includes 23 claims over 475 acres. It has the perfect geology for cobalt.

Reason #6: US Critical Metals Could Become an Acquisition Target

Acquiring an existing mining company is a great way to grow, gain access to critical resources, and reduce the time it takes to take a property from exploration to production.

As US Critical Metals (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) defines its lithium, rare earth element, and cobalt resources, it could become a target for a larger company looking to do those same things.

Or it could be targeted by a car company or green energy company, desperate to ensure it has the resources needed to stay in business.

Right now, however, most of the acquisition activity involves established mining companies gobbling up smaller competitors. This is the most likely acquisition scenario for US Critical Metals.

Here are a few examples of what’s been happening in the industry:

  • Rio Tinto Group spent $825 million to acquire Australia-based Rincon Mining Pty. Ltd. and its Argentine brine operation, Salar del Rincon.
  • Tecpetrol acquired Alpha Lithium in a deal that handed early investors a nice 469% profit.
  • Zijin Mining acquired Neo Lithium Corp., an Argentina-focused lithium company, for $770 million.

An acquisition could send US Critical Metals’ (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) stock shooting upwards practically overnight.

Do Your Due Diligence: Read My In-Depth Special Report on US Critical Metals

I’ve just scratched the surface on US Critical Metals’ (OTCQB: USCMF/ CSE: USCM) story. To give you a deep dive into the company’s prospects, I’ve written a special report on called Report Title. Get your free copy below.

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Kind regards,


Tim Collins

Editor, Streetlight Confidential

Research by James Dale Davidson